Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe

Over 10 DEMOS experts and invited speakers across Europe will also reflect on solutions to address these challenges. Young scholars were invited, in December, to take part in the discussion by submitting their papers.
The two-day DEMOS conference is co-organised by GEDECO (Grupo de studios sobre Democracia y Constitucionalismo) of the University of Barcelona and the Venice Commission for Democracy through Law—the advisory body of the Council of Europe in constitutional matters. The participation of the Venice Commission’s experts provides insights into the ways populism has affected constitutional law making and how European standards adapted to that impact.
The online conference
“Populism and Contemporary Democracy in Europe. Between Old Problems and New Challenges”
Date: 25-26 February 2021
The conference programme is available at: https://demos-h2020.eu/uploads/files/Populism_and_Contemporary_Democracy_in_Europe__Between_Old_Problems_and_New_Challenges-6.pdf
More information about the event can be found on the DEMOS website: https://demos-h2020.eu/en/event/2020/12/populism-and-contemporary-democracy-in-europe
populism, democracy, law, rule of law, covid-19, coronavirus, event, conference, online, research, results, study, innovation, H2020, project, DEMOS, pandemic, constitutional