Virtual Conference – Moving Towards a Competitive European Bioeconomy: Emerging Biorefinery Technologies & Pathways to Deployment
This interactive event brings together researchers, industry leaders and policy makers to discuss how the European bioeconomy can take green technology from idea to deployment and who needs to do what to make this happen.
13:00 Introductions and keynote from the EU
13:30 Technical sessions: Feedstock, processes and new products, Interactive session with audience Q&A
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 First panel session: From idea to deployment – an industry view
16:15 Second panel session: Rollout of biorefinery technologies – policy perspective
17:00 Close
Some of Europe’s leading researchers and innovative bio-based companies, as well as EU policy makers and associations will present at the conference, including: Bio-Based Europe Pilot Plant, BTG Biomass Technology Group, Capax Biobased Development, Collanti, EuropaBio, European Commission, RAMPF, Tecnalia and more. The full agenda will be published in the next days.
The projects
The event is organised by two EU-funded SPIRE projects, Bio4Products and Rehap, both successful in identifying biomass availability and developing innovative new conversion processes and bio-based products. The projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements number 723070 and 723670, respectively.
The event is free of charge but registration is mandatory via this link:
biorefineries, bioeconomy, innovation, biobased products, biomass, industry