Cyber Range Network - Joint Webinar
The “Cyber-Range Network” is a collaboration initiative created jointly from three EU funded projects: Cyber-MAR ( FORESIGHT ( and SPIDER (
These projects created the “Cyber-Range Network” having as main objectives to:
Promote collaboration and to facilitate exchange of knowledge among them;
Showcase their respective project results to a wider audience;
Perform joint dissemination activities;
Improve awareness regarding cybersecurity preparedness and training.
This webinar is the first step to landmark the beginning of a productive collaboration and streamline the initial course of actions and aims to:
Introduce the three projects along with their key objectives and the current progress;
Present the concept of cyber-ranges as virtual training environments and how they can be used for cyber warfare;
Exchange views and hold an interactive and productive discussion with the webinar participants.
Our event is addressed to stakeholders of all backgrounds that are interested in cybersecurity technological advancements. Mark your calendar and register to join the Cyber-Range Network Joint Webinar.
Registration and a provisional agenda can be found here: