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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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INVITATION: The REMOURBAN Project 3rd Final Conference

Join us on Thursday 16 July for the REMOURBAN 3rd final conference. We will share our insights, experience and results from this major 5-year project as it comes to an end.

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16 July 2020 - 16 July 2020
Lodi, Italy
© Remourban project
The final conference will be the opportunity for the consortium to come together one more time (albeit virtually) to portray the legacy of this major 5-year Lighthouse project, including the project’s sustainable urban regeneration model. It will mark the end of the project and the beginning of a new era of urban regeneration, more ecological, more citizen-centred and more intelligent in approach.

We will walk you through our actions and achievements in the three Lighthouse cities, Nottingham, Eskişehir/Tepebaşı and Valladolid while looking ahead to how all this can shape our urban and environmental policy making in the years to come.

In addition to focusing on the project itself, we will seek to promote the future replication of the urban regeneration model. REMOURBAN is not an end in itself and its model, along with all the other many lessons learned and insights gained, must now be adopted beyond the project consortium.

Other towns and cities across the continent (and beyond) must be informed about and then encouraged to embrace the model so that they too can become smarter, greener and healthier for all.

Practical information
For distancing reasons, the event will be virtual. It will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions, bringing together representatives of fellow projects, key European stakeholders and policy makers from the different European and Turkish cities that have participated in the project.

Topics include:
• The role of cities in transforming the economy
• Making Europe’s cities smarter for the environment and for citizens
• SECAPs as drivers for smart and sustainable cities
• Designing, planning and implementing smart cities
• Resilient cities for the challenges ahead

The conference will be divided into two strands. The first will take place in the morning on the above topics in English. The second is specific to local stakeholders in Turkey and will take place in the afternoon in Turkish.
The agenda is still in progress, check the REMOURBAN website for the latest version.

For our session, we will be using GoToWebinar for presentations and discussions. The login for the registration is provided below. Please be aware that the session will be recorded and the relative video will be publicly available afterwards on the REMOURBAN project website.

Registration here:

We look forward to having you join us.

Miguel García-Fuentes
CARTIF Technology Centre

09h00 – 09h30 Welcome and introduction
09h30 – 10h00 Keynote speaker: The role of cities to transform the economy
10h00 – 10h30 REMOURBAN: transforming EU cities towards smarter environments
10h30 – 10h45 Messages from 5 cities’ Mayors
10h45 – 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 – 11h30 Keynote speaker: SECAPs as drivers for smart and sustainable cities
11h30 – 12h30 Panel debate: replicating and scaling-up smart strategies and solutions
12h30 – 13h00 Keynote speaker: Resilient cities for the upcoming challenges
13h00 – 13h15 Conclusions and takeaways
13h15 – 14h00 Lunch break
14h00 – 18h00 Tepebaşi conference for local stakeholders (in Turkish)

Registration for the afternoon session:


insight, experience, results, sustainable urban regeneration