Policy Cloud Data Driven Policies against Radicalisation Webinar

About the Webinar
Policy Cloud will realise the European cloud for data-driven policy management, providing integrated reusable models and analytical tools which turn raw data into valuable and actionable knowledge.
The purpose of the webinar is to demonstrate ongoing work within one of four Policy Cloud pilot use cases, Policies against Radicalisation. Specifically, the presenters will discuss how analytics can be used to:
-segment radicalisation efforts demographically
-visualise radicalisation trends
-assign risk profiles to individual suspects, while respecting the privacy requirements established within the Policy Cloud Ethics Framework.
Who should attend?
Policy makers, public administrators, cloud providers, data owners, data engineers, data scientists and social scientists.
More information on the webinar and series of BigDataPilotDemoDays at the BDV-PPP Virtual Summit 2020 here: https://policycloud.eu/news-events/events/policy-cloud-data-driven-policies-against-radicalisation
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fChEowjMRnWlEW9ACe8QEw
Cloud, Big Data, Data-Driven Policy Making