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Inhalt archiviert am 2022-07-06

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Big Data Pilot Demo Days - BigDataStack Connected Consumer

Hosted by BDV PPP. BigDataStack, I-BiDaaS, Track & Know and Policy Cloud join forces in a series of online demonstrations of innovative Big Data Technologies unlocking the potential of various applications.

28 Mai 2020 - 28 Mai 2020
Brussels, Belgium
© BigDataStack
Hosted by BDV PPP. BigDataStack, I-BiDaaS, Track & Know and Policy Cloud join forces in a series of online demonstrations of innovative Big Data Technologies unlocking the potential of various applications.

The new data-driven industrial revolution highlights the need for big data technologies to unlock the potential in various application domains. To this end, BDV PPP projects I-BiDaaS, BigDataStack, Track & Know and Policy Cloud deliver innovative technologies to address the emerging needs of data operations and applications. To fully exploit the sustainability and take full advantage of the developed technologies, the projects onboarded pilots that exhibit their applicability in a wide variety of sectors. In the Big Data Pilot Demo Days the projects will showcase the developed and implemented technologies to interested end-users from industry as well as technology providers, for further adoption.

BigDataStack Connected Consumer Pilot Demo Takeaways

BigDataStack will provide retailers with optimal insights into consumer preferences and increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies to improve consumer shopping experience. Led by Worldline, a roadmap for a major Spanish food retailer has been defined, allowing them to offer predictive shopping lists, and tailored recommendations and promotions, improving consumers’ experiences.Webinar takeaways:

-The Connected Consumer use case utilizes the BigDataStack environment to implement and offer a recommender system for the grocery market.
-All of the data that are used to train the analytic algorithms of the use case are corporate data provided by one of the top food retailer companies in Spain.
-The final goal of the scenario is to make use of the capabilities of BigDataStack to produce in-store tailored recommendations to customers at the on-line applications of the food retailer.

Who should attend?

Retails, cloud providers, big data owners, data engineers, data scientists, business analysts

More information here:

Register here to join us on 28 May at 14.00 CEST:


Big Data Demo, Demonstration, webinar