Meet tech innovators in time of COV19 crisis in an online event #StartupsKillTheVirus

Session 1: EIC Accelerator, what to know about the instrument that supports top-class innovations, by the European Innovation Council – Register here:
Session 2: SMEs and startups contributing to a more human-centric internet under NGI – Register here:
Session 3: Startup Europe and the future of blockchain, led by SMEs – Register here:
Session 4: SMEs at the forefront of Data economy and cyber-physical systems – Register here:
The approach to the different fields of the startup innovation ecosystem will be offered through four different sessions.
More information about the 4 sessions:
The first one will be dedicated to the EIC Accelerator, the programme lead by the European Innovation Council that supports the European top-class innovations. The main features of the EIC Accelerator and its state of play will be explained by Luis Sanchez Álvarez, representative of the DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission (European Innovation Council). Furthermore, Luis Guerra, from CDTI (Spanish Delegate H2020 SME and Access to Risk Finance Programme), will present the ACCESS2EIC and the role of National Contact Points (NCPs) to support SMEs on their way to success.
The second session will be devoted to SMEs and startups contributing to a more human-centric internet under the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. Stefano Foglietta, the officer of the NGI Unit (European Commission, DG Connect), will present the details of the initiative and how startups can take advantage of the resources of this initiative. Coordinators of the projects NGI DAPSI, NGI Atlantic, NGI Pointer, NGI Zero and eSSIF-Lab will complete the panel.
Startup Europe and the future of disruptive technologies like Blockchain and topics focused on Artificial Intelligence will be the topics of the third session, with the participation of Bogdan Ceobeanu, European Commission - Entrepreneurship & Innovation Unit. This slot will also have onboard the main programmes with support to SMEs, startups and innovators (X Europe, B-hub for Europe, BlockStart, and BlockIS).
The final panel will situate SMEs at the forefront of Data economy and cyber-physical systems, with the opening by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), and the support programmes in this area: Data Market Services Accelerator, European Data Incubator, HUBCAP and DIGIFED.
Alberto Sierra and Sara Mateo, from ZABALA Innovation Consulting, will introduce the sessions as funding experts on the sector, and coordinators of the Data Market Services accelerator and NGI DAPSO, respectively.