“Improving Video Analysis for a Safer Europe”, VICTORIA International Conference in Nice, 27-28 April 2020

The two-day Final Conference will be an opportunity for the VICTORIA consortium to present to up to 150 officials, LEAs and Developers the project’s outputs after three years of intensive research and development. Conference highlight will be the live demonstration of the VICTORIA open and flexible Video Analysis Platform (VAP), with LEA representatives sharing insights into their experiences while working with the tool during the field trials at their premises. The Conference agenda will also include an overview of related security projects and of VICTORIA legacy - as the “Video Analysis for Investigation” (VAFI) community – and a session reflecting on Video Analysis from the perspective of the EU Regulatory Framework.
“Video recordings are a major resource for legal investigations after crimes and terrorist acts yet, there is still a lack of mature video investigation tools which would help LEAs solve criminal cases faster and more efficiently,” says project coordinator Luc Sonke (IDEMIA Identity & Security). “I believe that with the VAP we have developed an unique platform which is not only designed to support analytic tools from third parties but which is also 100 percent ethical & legally compliant and which will therefore optimize LEAs everyday work in the future. I am looking forward to the VAP live demonstration to the public during the VICTORIA Final Conference and to use this event to come together as European security research community to collaboratively discuss the future of innovation and industry for security.”
Coordinators of related H2020 security projects will have the opportunity to give insights into their project results and developed tools during a 10-minute talk. The event’s “Exhibition Space”, a dedicated open market session, will offer further networking opportunities, while a dedicated exhibition space and poster session will more specifically showcase VICTORIA’s outputs. In addition, the winners of the VICTORIA Video Analytics Contest will be awarded, and the challengers will have an opportunity to present the best functionalities of their solution.
Parallel to the programme and exhibition, registration-based sessions will be organised to showcase the VAP to small groups of LEAs. A visit to the “Smart City Showroom” and the “City Urban Supervision Centre” will be organised too by a representative of the City of Nice.
For information, the Urban Supervision Centre of the City of Nice is the first video protection complex in France. More than 3,200 cameras are deployed throughout the city, operated from this Centre which is located in the heart of Nice. It is composed of 3 control rooms equipped with a total of 90 screens and a command room allowing about a hundred agents to take turns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in order to carry out various missions such as the management of public events, the protection of schools and nurseries, transport security, etc.
Project Website: https://www.victoria-project.eu/
Project Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zpzDcOgyy0
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/39k29Pk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/H2020Victoria
Project Office: Victoria-arttic@eurtd.com
Press Office: press@arttic.eu
security, Video Analysis, Law Enforcement, Audio Analysis, Investigations of Crimes and Terrorist Acts