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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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First participants have registered to the VICTORIA Analytics Contest!

The H2020 Security Project VICTORIA is organising its Video Analytics Contest which is lasting till 31/01/2020.

Audio/video analysis technology developers/providers/researchers are invited to test and benchmark their algorithms and furthermore to develop the necessary plug-ins for these to communicate with the open Video Analysis Platform (VAP) on VICTORIA datasets. Register now at

Society icon Society
Security icon Security
2 December 2019 - 31 January 2020
Paris, France
The Analytics Contest is divided into three challenges:

1st challenge: Video/Audio Analytics: "Detect & track challenge":
The challenge will invite the developers to propose either Video or Audio Analytics Algorithm (to possibly be integrated as plugins into the VAP, see challenge 3).
- Video Analytics addresses the detection and tracking of one (or more) of the 2 categories: person and car.
- Audio Analytics addresses the detection of one (or more) of the 5 sound categories: engine, car horn, voice, music and door noise.
The algorithms' performances will be evaluated using datasets that contain ground truth information allowing relevant test conditions.

2nd challenge: "Innovative analytics challenge":
The second challenge will invite the challengers to propose the most innovative functionality related to post-event crimes and terrorism acts.

Both challenges will have the possibility to be integrated as plugins into the VAP, please see challenge 3.

3rd Challenge "Plugin integration challenge":
The third challenge will invite the developers to propose a plugin integrated into the VAP.

You are free to submit either one, two or the 3 challenges described above.

At the end of the Analytics Contest, prizes will reward best challengers:
- first plugins successfully integrated into the VAP,
- most innovative algorithms,
- best algorithms scores on dedicated challenges (persons/cars detection and tracking, audio detection)…

A special prize will reward challengers of several challenges, mostly including plugin integration.

The rewarded challengers will also be given visibility on a dedicated webpage of the project's public website.
They will also have the possibility to give a presentation on their rewarded functionalities at the VICTORIA International conference.

More info on the event or registration at