Blockchain is increasingly showing its value to business. Blockchain has been defined as a "single version of the truth" made possible by an immutable and secure time-stamped ledger. Multiple parties hold copies of the ledger, and blockchain has the potential to deliver trust to many facets of business while decreasing or eliminating fraud and counterfeiting. However, there are technology challenges that still need to be understood and how it's shaping the use of data and what it can do for information security professionals.
This webinar will highlight the cybersecurity and privacy multi-applications and opportunities in blockchain technology. In collaboration with the SOFIE, PRIViLEDGE and MyHealthMyData (MHMD) projects, this webinar will be focusing on how blockchain technology can benefit the areas of the specific use cases of the following R&I projects, like healthcare, finance, etc.
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Who should attend:
The webinar is open to all interested in blockchain technology and opportunities in enhancing privacy, protection, digital privacy, anonymity, efficient decentralized consensus for distributed ledgers technologies (DLT) and forecast accuracy in energy data exchange, e-diploma in marketplace and healthcare sector.
Key takeaways:
- Learn more about Blockchain technology that is helping organisations in decreasing or eliminating fraud and counterfeiting
- Get insights on different opportunities of blockchain in different areas and use cases
- Understand the connection with other technologies toward the creation of new data-driven services and market
- How blockchain can fill the technological gap in the energy sector and what pre-requirements are needed
- Become part of our cybersecurity community
Draft Agenda:
11:00 - 11:05 - Blockchain offering new opportunities and challenges - Nicholas Ferguson, Trust-IT Services,
11:05 - 11:15 - Free energy data - how blockchain helps to enable energy flexibility services through data exchange between owner and service providers - Priit Anton, Guardtime, SOFIE project
11:15 - 11:25 - Applying Block Chains for Electronic Voting Bulletin Boards - Sven Heiberg, Smartmatic-Cybernetica Centre of Excellence for Internet Voting, PRIViLEDGE project
11:25 - 11:30 - Q&A
11:30 - 11:40 - How Blockchain technologies are transforming data privacy and security in the Healthcare sectors and the role of SMEs – general perspectives and the example of the EU-funded project MyHealthMyData – Mirko De Maldè, Lynkeus, MyHealthMyData (MHMD)
11:40 - 11:50 - GDPR and its implications on Blockchain technology, Anastasia Botsi, ICTL Legal,
11:50 - 12:00 – Blockchain opportunities to Marketplace and its services, Maria Diaz, European Digital SME Alliance,
12:00 - 12:05 - Q&A
12:05 - 12:10 - Closing Remarks
cybersecurity, blockchain, privacy, GDPR, security, IoT