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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Project SOFIE Workshop "Interledger Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems Federation with Security, Privacy, and Flexibility" at Decentralized 2019

SOFIE is a new federated platform enabling seamless data exchange paths between fragmented IoT systems. SOFIE will be speaking, showing and socialising at Decentralized 2019 - Europe's premier conference on blockchain.

The SOFIE project's three pilots will be showcased during the workshop held on the 31st of October 16:00 -18:00 and on the exhibition site throughout the conference.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies
Food and Natural Resources icon Food and Natural Resources
Energy icon Energy
31 October 2019 - 31 October 2019
Athens, Greece
© Liis Livin
With over 1500 field experts from over 50 countries attending, Decentralized is a perfect place where to tell SOFIE's story and highlight it's potential.

SOFIE's ambition workshop "Interledger Technologies for Cyber-Physical Systems Federation with Security, Privacy, and Flexibility. - Practical applications to the Energy sector, the Food-Supply Chain, and Context-Aware IoT gaming" will prove to the audience that a federated platform enabling seamless data exchange paths between fragmented IoT systems is achievable.

The pilot's presented at the workshop are:

- Energy data exchange pilot, presented by Priit Anton and Margus Haavala (Guardtime);
- Energy flexibility marketplace pilot, presented by Giuseppe Raveduto (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica);
- Food supply chain pilot, presented by Sotiris Karachontzitis (Synelixis Solutions SA);
- Mixed reality mobile gaming pilot, presented by Max Samarin and Ahsan Manzoor (Rovio Entertainment Corporation).

The workshop will be moderated by George Polyzos (Athens University of Economics and Business).

SOFIE's applications will also be showcased at the exhibition site at SOFIE's booth during Decentralized 2019. To add a cherry on the cake, Tommi Elo (Aalto University) from SOFIE project will give a speech at Decentralized as well. On the 31st of October he will speak about using system dynamics models to analyse the sustainability of SOFIE business platforms at 12:00 o'clock.

In conclusion, SOFIE will have its hands full in Athens and is waiting for all interested parties to come and learn more about the wonder of Secure Open Federation for Internet Everywhere. Take a look at the agenda:

For more information visit:
SOFIE Homepage:
SOFIE Twitter


Iot, energymarket, energydata, foodchain, mixedgaming, blockchain, SOFIE, DLT, Interledger