Use of ICT tools in Education

We would like to kindly invite you to share your project ideas, solutions, experiences, insights, theoretical and practical knowledge and recent studies on innovative use and integration of information and communication technologies into different educational systems in a Poster Session during the "CRISS H2020 Symposium on Acquiring Digital Competence in the classroom – the experience of primary and secondary schools in Europe", which will take place in Heraklion (Crete Island, Greece) on 14 November.
The "CRISS H2020 Symposium on Acquiring Digital Competence in the classroom – the experience of primary and secondary schools in Europe" is organised by the CRISS project, supported by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme. CRISS has been designed and implemented with the aim to demonstrate how digital competences could be acquired, evaluated and certified in the classrooms of primary and secondary schools in Europe. Educators from all over Europe will be presenting their and their students' experiences with using the CRISS platform during the school year 2018/2019.
Please note that your poster/topic can be related to any level of education (primary or secondary schools, universities, life-long education, etc.), should convey your key findings and be visually appealing so as to grab the attention of attendees.
All submitted posters will undergo our selection procedure; the selected posters will be displayed in a dedicated space during the CRISS H2020 Symposium and during a dedicated slot in the conference the authors will be invited to present their posters. Please note that travel costs to this event are eligible for justification as dissemination costs of projects supported by the European Commission.
We would be honored to welcome you at the CRISS H2020 Symposium on Crete island and excited to find out about and discuss your work with a broad network of researchers, professionals and practitioners participating.
education, ICT tools, platform, learning analytics