ORC PLUS - Dispatchable small-scale solar thermal electricity: Final Info Day
- Importance of thermal energy storage for solar systems development;
- Potential applications of solar thermal and thermal storage for heat consuming industries;
- Design considerations and market opportunities for EU-MENA industries;
- Possibilities for materials and solid waste valorisation for thermal energy storage in cement industry, fertilisers, metallurgy, mining activities, construction materials...
Provisional programme of the Info Day:
9:00 - Registration
9:30 - Opening and welcome speech (M. Badr Ikken – Directeur General - IRESEN)
09:45 Session 1 - ORC-PLUS project: Context and strategic opportunities:
- Introduction to ORC-PLUS project (Dr. Walter Gaggioli - ENEA)
- Presentation of the CSP-ORC plant concept (M. El Ghali Bennouna - IRESEN)
- Filling materials and potential application for thermal storage (Dr. Abdessamad Faik - CIC Energigune)
- Solar PTC and Fresnel concentration technologies (M. Vittorio Orioli - Soltigua)
11:25 - Coffee break
11:45 - Session 2 - round table: Materials and design considerations for thermal storage systems
13:00 - Lunch break
14:30 - Side visits
- Visit to the Solar Decathlon competition
- Visit to the GEP, CSP-ORC plant and ORC-PLUS pilot system
17:30 - Closure of the infoday
Practical information:
Registration: Free! Open until 22 September here > https://forms.gle/bNfZd5dVcyR1eXxP9
Address: Green Energy Park - Route Régionale Kelaa, Km 3, R206 - Ben Guerir, Morocco
About ORC-Plus: Dispatchable small-scale solar thermal electricity
ORC-Plus stands for "Organic Rankine Cycle - Prototype Link to Unit Storage". This H2020 project aims at developing an innovative Thermal Energy Storage system (TES) which is optimised for middle-scale CSP plants (1-5 MWe).
The technology proposed is based on a solar field, using a thermal oil as Heat Transfer Fluid and an "Organic Rankine Cycle" power unit coupled with an innovative TES.
The experimental demonstration of three different industrial prototypes of TES systems have been performed in relevant environments.
The final result of the project: the validation of this key storage technology in a real industrial environment: an existing CSP plant located in the Green Energy Park of Ben Guerir, in the Moroccan desert. This pre-commercial solution will be commissioned on 24 September 2019, during our final event.
The ORC-Plus project is supported by Horizon 2020 (EU contribution: €6,25M). It was funded by the "Secure, clean and efficient energy" programme, under the specific topic "Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies" (LCE-03-2014). Launched in 2015, the project will end in October 2019.
The consortium is coordinated by ENEA. It is made by a total of 6 partners from 4 different European countries, plus 1 international partner from Morocco (IRESEN).
concentrated solar power, CSP, thermal energy storage, Heat Transfer Fluid, renewable electricity, renewable energy, Concentrated solar thermal, CST