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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-07-06

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PaNOSC 1st Annual Meeting

The event is meant for project partners and stakeholders. To take part in the meeting, register before 15 October 2019.

4 Novembre 2019 - 5 Novembre 2019
Trieste, Italy
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud project (PaNOSC) will take place on 4-5 November 2019 in Trieste, Italy. The meeting will bring together PaNOSC project partners and other EOSC clusters, with the aim of sharing information and increasing collaboration among different parts. Project partners will present the status and progress of the work packages. Also, a round table will be organized during the meeting where the user community will share their vision of the EOSC in general and of PaNOSC in particular with the participating clusters.

To take part in the meeting, register here before 15 October 2019 >>
If you do not have an indico account, create one in our indico system in order to register.

Find here the draft agenda >>

Parole chiave

EOSC, Annual Meeting, H2020

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