Responsible research requires dialogue

The consultations are made as a part of the second phase of the CIMULACT (Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on Horizon2020) project which aim is to engage citizens in redefining EU’s research and innovation agenda.
The European Commission’s budget for research and innovation for the period 2014-2020 sums up to €70 billion. The funding process is directed through a number of work programmes that each define an area of interest. Each work programme holds a number of topics with a call text that researchers can apply funding for.
“If we want to lead European research in the direction where citizens find that it solves their problems and fulfill their needs, then we have to have calls that are based on these needs”, says Lars Klüver, Director of the Danish Board of Technology Foundation, who coordinates the project.
The goal is therefore to gather citizen’s needs and concerns in a form that can easily be transformed into EU research topics.
In the first phase of the CIMULACT project the citizens made visions where they expressed their needs and concerns for the future. Hereafter a variety of actors including citizens, stakeholders, experts and the project partners made the visions into research scenarios.
“Now we ask citizens, stakeholders and experts to look at that and make it even better, so it lives up to their needs and solves their concerns”, explains Lars Klüver.
The European Commission has followed the project closely from its beginning, and Lars Klüver reads this as an important signal:
“These kinds of projects will and really can have big impact on European research and innovation funding programmes.”
Karen Riisgaard, Project Manager at CIMULACT, The Danish Board of Technology Foundation:, Mobile: +45 30 82 53 00
Lars Klüver, Director of the Danish Board of Technology Foundation and coordinator of the CIMULACT project:
CIMULACT stands for Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on Horizon 2020
Coordinated by The Danish Board of Technology Foundation (Denmark)
Funded by Horizon2020
Web and social media: and @CIMULACT
Join the online consultation
“Research for Society”
CIMULACT invites you to join the online consultation ‘Research for Society’. Together with a variety of other actors from 30 European countries you will evaluate and enrich proposed research programmes that will be further explored as research topics and policy options.
Enter the consultation at:
citizen consultation, sustainable future, participatory process, research and innovation, dialogue, citizen engagement, RRI