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Contenu archivé le 2022-07-06

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EPIC Completes its Australian Events Series with a Webinar Entitled What’s up Downunder – Opportunities for ICT Research Collaboration with Australia

The purpose of this webinar was to provide information on collaboration and funding opportunities between the European Union and Australia, in particular to support EU-based ICT researchers with an interest to collaborate with partners in the EPIC partner country.

19 Juin 2019 - 19 Juin 2019
Vienna, Austria
© S. Kiehne / eutema
On Wednesday June 19th, 2019, the Horizon 2020-funded EPIC project held its final Australian event – a webinar entitled ‘What’s up Downunder: Opportunities for ICT research collaboration with Australia’.

The purpose of this webinar was to provide information on collaboration and funding opportunities between the European Union and Australia, in particular to support EU-based ICT researchers with an interest to collaborate with partners in the EPIC partner country. The EPIC team selected a webinar as the most effective setting for this, the project’s final event, because researchers from across Europe and Australia were expected to take an interest in the discussion topic.

In addition to an introduction provided by Jonathan Arthur, the National Services Manager for EPIC partner organization Intersect Australia, the webinar featured presentations from two Australia-based experts on international collaboration opportunities. First up was Dr Rado Faletic, widely considered Australia’s foremost expert on the European Union’s research and innovation programme. His presentation was entitled ‘A snapshot of Australia’, and included interesting statistics about Australia, its science, technology and innovation system, ICT focus possibilities and funding opportunities. The second speaker was Dr Anthony Peacock, the Chief Executive Officer of the Cooperative Research Centres Association, an organization which supports industry-led collaborations between industry, researchers and the community. Dr Peacock’s presentation was entitled ‘CRCs and CRC-projects: Potential for more European collaboration’. Dr Peacock provided an in-depth description of the Cooperative Research Centres and Projects and discussed ways in which European researchers could become involved or active participants. The presentations were followed by a robust question and answer session during which the audience could address queries directly to the two experts.

“Webinars provide a lightweight way to overcome the “tyranny of distance” - perhaps the most significant logistical challenge in EU-Australia collaboration - which can make it easier to attract local experts to present,” said Dr Faletic of the event. “Moreover, the shorter webinar format is ideal for recording and disseminating beyond the live event and has the potential to reach much larger audiences than traditional meetings/seminars.”

For those who missed the webinar and are interest in finding out more information about ICT research collaboration opportunities in Australia, a video recording has been made available on the EPIC project website event page at

EPIC was initiated in 2017 and is aimed at improving cooperation in the area of information and communication technologies between Europe and the three partner countries Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (ICT) under Grant Agreement No. 687794. To learn more about the EPIC project, or to view upcoming events, visit Currently, EPIC is the only EU support action targeting ICT research cooperation with Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.


ICT, Research Collaboration, Australia, Funding

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