DEMOS Legal Experts Discuss Democracy in Siena

Dealing with democracy’s difficulties in Europe, the event addresses challenges that populism raise to representative and constitutional democracy. It aims at triggering a discussion about the rise of the populist phenomena and what answers legal systems and the European Union can provide to protect constitutional democracy.
Members from three DEMOS partners will take part in the workshop: Prof. Josep Maria Castellà and Dr. Marco Antonio Simonelli, from the University of Barcelona; Prof. Helle Krunke, from the University of Copenhagen; and Dr. Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
On Friday, June 14, Prof. Castellà will give a lecture about the Challenges of populism, demands for direct democracy and the reactions of constitutional democracy. On Saturday, June 15, Dr. Simonelli will present the paper The cornerstone of the rule of law State: judicial independence as the keystone to halt democratic decay in the EU. Prof. Castellà, Prof. Krunke and Dr. Gárdos-Orosz will close the workshop illustrating DEMOS’s scope and goals.
Thirty Years After 1989: Questions about democracy, between national states and European Union
Universita di Siena
Banchi di Sotto, 55, 53100 Siena SI, Italy
June 14: 1:45 pm — June 15: 8:45 am
Dott. Giammaria Milani:
Dott.ssa Valentina Carlino:
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