Solar fuel by SUN-to-LIQUID: Demonstration Event

Date: 13 June, 2019
Time: 11:30 – 17:30
Venue / Host: IMDEA Energy Institute
Avenida Ramón de la Sagra, 3
28935 Móstoles
Madrid, Spain
informative talks
+ overview of project achievements
+ presentations by renowned speakers from industry, research, government and European Commission
interactive sessions
+ visit to the solar-thermochemical fuel facility
+ panel discussion
SUN-to-LIQUID at a glance
The primary objective of the SUN‐to‐LIQUID project is the scale‐up, field demonstration and pre-commercial validation of the complete process chain to solar hydrocarbon fuels from H2O and CO2. The implementation of the solar research plant is a joint effort of the European project partners and comprises:
1. a high‐flux solar concentrating subsystem
2. a solar thermochemical reactor subsystem, and
3. a gas‐to‐liquid conversion subsystem.
The long‐term perspective is to establish a solar fuel supply for demanding transportation sectors, such as aviation, which cannot easily substitute hydrocarbon fuels by electromobility or hydrogen.
Organizational matters
Participation is free of charge, requires registration and is limited to a maximum number of 90 participants. Important note: Please bring your valid identification proof (National ID or passport), for the security check to the venue. The travel costs for this event should be borne by the participants.
Further information
SUN-to-LIQUID website:
Other queries:
Event details and online registration
solar fuels, solar hydrocarbon fuels, drop-in fuels, aviation, renewable fuels, solar thermochemical fuels, liquid hydrocarbon fuels, mobility, transport, CO2 reduction