Call for papers: Everyday Automation Experience workshop

As the role of automation in our environment continues to have an impact, the workshop is looking to address and discuss three significant challenges:
Automation intelligibility
Experienced control
Capturing automation XP
The workshop will investigate the requirements and design criteria for automation that are experienced by non-experts in everyday situations and its discussions will be extremely rewarding from the submission of papers they are kindly asking participants to provide, describing their recent or future work in the field of everyday automation experiences.
From these papers the workshop will be creating a forum for researchers and practitioners working on automated systems and corresponding human interactions to come together and communicate their challenges in preparation for creative team work later in the day on promising approaches for the chosen challenges.
These discussion rounds and creative sessions will be core to the production of a structure map of topics to be addressed in future research.
Sim4Blocks is a key support on this workshop and would like you to get involved and add your expertise and knowledge to the topics of the day, based on the experience gained whilst working on the project.
To participate, follow the instructions here:
And for more information on this workshop visit the website: