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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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Workshop on cybersecurity for critical infrastructures.

A free workshop will be held at the campus of Belval, University of Luxembourg, as one of the activities in the frame of the RIA (Research and Innovation Action)-funded project ATENA devoted to cybersecurity for critical infrastructures protection.

18 October 2018 - 18 October 2018
On 18 October 2018 a workshop will be organized in the frame of the European Union-funded ATENA project, devoted to cybersecurity for critical infrastructures; oil & gas, grid and water are the infrastructures targeted. The workshop will take place at the premises of one of its partners, the University of Luxembourg, campus Belval. This event is organized as part of the European Cyber Security Month and the Luxembourg Cyber Security Week and it is free.

For registration and more information, including the agenda, please visit:
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ATENA (Advanced Tools to assess and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical Infrastructures) aims to produce a set of tools that, implementing innovative models, methodologies and algorithms for security assurance, as well as interacting with the available smart components of a critical infrastructure, will increase the level of cyber-physical security and resilience of underpinning critical infrastructure & integrated administration and control systems. The results will be proved as a quantifiable benefit for the involved end users that operate a critical infrastructure in terms of reduction of service unavailability time, and decrease in security recovery costs. More details about the project can be found on its website at