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Contenuto archiviato il 2022-07-06

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Take a deep dive into the seafood sector with the European Seafood Economy Summer School

Are you interested in updating your knowledge on the European seafood sector? Are you a young professional or researcher in the seafood sector? Are you a student of business or finance?

PrimeFish and the Technical University of Bremerhaven will join international experts and industry representatives from the 6th to the 10th of August in Bremerhaven (Germany), one of the largest hubs for the seafood industry in Europe.

6 Agosto 2018 - 10 Agosto 2018
© PrimeFish

The course will offer a general outlook on the current challenges of a highly internationalised sector whilst developing the skills needed to build a career in the seafood sector. The programme aims to provide participants with latest analysis of the value chain, international trade or market research, while offering practical insights on the development of business and marketing proposals adapted to the particularities of the seafood sector.

Course requirements

Designed for students, graduates, post graduates and young professionals from the fields of economy, business, finance and other related fields. Lessons and workshop will be in English.

What to expect

Lectures by international seafood economy & marketing experts
A workshop (the Business Lab), access to guidelines and tools to develop your own business proposal
Networking opportunities with industry representatives and researchers
Development of entrepreneurial skills: team work, drafting of proposals, pitching projects


Participants will explore a wide range of current issues and pressing challenges for the seafood sector, such as the economic performance of industries, the seafood value chain, international trade (focused on the pangasius case), product development, market research or sensory aspects of the seafood products. The programme includes the participation of the following experts:

- Rosa Chapela, head of the Fisheries Socioeconomic Department at the CETMAR- Technological Centre of the Sea (Spain)
- José L. Santiago, project officer of PrimeFish at the CETMAR- Technological Centre of the Sea (Spain)
- Thong Tien Nguyen, senior researcher at Nha Trang University (Vietnam) and Syntesa Partners & Associates (Denmark)
- Soren Q. Eliasen, associate professor IFM –Blue Governance Centre, Department of Planning, Aalborg University (Denmark)
- Imke Matullat, project manager at ttz Bremerhaven (Germany)
- Cristina Mora, Associate Professor in Food Marketing at Institute of Drug and Food, University of Parma (Italy)
- John Bostock, MSc Aquaculture Programmes Director & Senior Consultant at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (Scotland, United Kingdom)
- Birgit Hagen, Assistant Professor at Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia (Italy)

A detailed programme, the profiles of speakers and further information is available in the following link:

Practical sessions and the Business Lab

Theory will be complemented by guest talks by industry representatives, a session on sensory analysis and a Business Lab. Every afternoon the teams of participants will use lectures and insights from the industry to underpin their business and marketing proposals following the Business Canvas Model. They will also gain access to a new software tool developed by the PrimeFish project to support decision-making in the seafood sector (PrimeDSS).

The 5-day course will finish with a session in which the best business or marketing proposal will be awarded as the “Best business project”.


The course itself is offered free of charge. Accommodation can be either self-organised or booked separately through an optional fee:

6 day accommodation + breakfast/lunch + bus ticket:

235,60 € in 4/6 people rooms
343,60 € in double rooms

Interested participants can further enjoy their stay in Bremerhaven taking part in the social programme (Visit to Helgoland; Weekend trips to Paris and Amsterdam).

Due to space limitations, registration will be served on first-come first-served basis through the website of Hochschule Bremerhaven:

For further information, please contact / +49 471 80934 20

Parole chiave

seafood, economy, marketing, business, summer school, h2020