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Content archived on 2022-07-06

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German-French Colloquium on "Innovation from Bench to Bedside" - Emerging and Strategic Technologies for Healthcare

The French Embassy in Berlin, VDI/VDE-IT, the ETPN, ENATRANS and the German Platform on NanoBioMedicine will organise a colloquium on Emerging and Strategic Technologies for Healthcare in the French Embassy in Berlin on 17th March 2016.

17 March 2016 - 17 March 2016
Profound changes in healthcare systems are expected in the coming years caused by challenges our modern societies are facing: demographic change and ageing populations, chronic, rare and incurable diseases, pandemics, changing life styles, emergence of multi-resistant bacteria. These changes require innovative solutions for the benefit of public health and of the European economy.

Although these changes already started in the Pharmaceutical and MedTech sectors, further efforts are required to develop a coordinated technological and structural approach, in which the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, ICT and advanced materials, the establishment of new integrated value chains should play a major role. In addition, this approach shall complement and support the emergence of new behavioural concepts based on prevention, prediction, personalisation and participation (4P Medicine).

France and Germany are particularly concerned by the changes in healthcare and already invest major resources in research and industry to play a leading role in this approach.

In 2015, a Task Force constituted of representatives from research, industry and the European Commission was set up to design a concept for a European Industry-Driven Initiative on “Emerging and Strategic Technologies for Healthcare” (ESTHER). This initiative aims at at tackling future societal challenges by offering new perspectives to European Healthcare systems.

In this context, the French Embassy in Berlin is jointly organising with VDI/VDE-IT, the ETP Nanomedicine, the ENATRANS project and the German National Platform for NanoBioMedicine, an event to inform the French and German scientific and industrial communities as well as public authorities about the benefit of ESTHER, to discuss about current trends and needs in the healthcare systems and to mobilize key stakeholders from both countries to support such initiative.

Further information and registration at:


Key Enabling Technologies, Biomaterials, Nanomedicine, Smart Medical Devices