The JDN23 school on neutron imaging is open for registration

Location: Evian les Bains, France
Registration deadline: 6 September
The school 'Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique' (JDN23) is calling for abstracts for an oral contribution or a poster for the JDN23 which will take place from 5 till 8 October 2015 in Evian les Bains, France. The deadline is 6 September.
For more than 20 years now the French Neutron Scattering Society (SFN) has organised a neutron school during its annual meeting. This year the school will offer a workshop on neutron imaging and from 6 to 8 the annual Rossat-Mignod meeting of the French Neutron Society, SFN.
To register, consult the programme, or download the templates of the abstracts at:
*This school is part of the NaMES (Neutron and Muon European Schools). Thanks to NMI3 funding, through FP7, a number of European students can have their expenses covered to attend the school.*