Enhancing the global travel experience
The EU-funded ENHANCED WISETRIP (Enhancing intermodality of content, personalised information and functionality of WISETRIP network of journey planning engines) project was set up to build on the results of its predecessor, which provided personalised multimodal travel information. Project partners considered several criteria in planning a journey, namely carbon dioxide emissions, the needs and preferences of elderly, disabled, business and tourist travellers, time, cost and number of hops. To improve planning, they devised strategies that take into consideration different unforeseen events. Dynamic trip re-planning based on real-time updates of the transport network was introduced. The team addressed door-to-door journey planning and provided the option of integrated ticketing. It employed the most advanced web and mobile interfaces and handheld and in-vehicle devices for urban and interurban journey planning services. Team members developed a set of algorithms for journey planning and re-planning and for specifying trip strategies. Lastly, the consortium validated the unified journey planner system that addresses delays, cancellations and mistakes made by the traveller during the journey. It takes into consideration mobility constraints such as accessibility for various categories of users. Another advantage involves enabling passengers to choose among multimodal international travel options. This also accounts for their performance in terms of travel time, number of hops and emissions. Other journey planners and real-time data providers can also be integrated into the system. ENHANCED WISETRIP introduced a cutting-edge platform for optimised planning, booking and travel assistance. International travellers now have an indispensable tool at their fingertips that meets all their needs.
Travel experience, multimodal, journey planning, intermodality, travel information