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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Transport Research Market Uptake (Market-up)

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Transport research drives off the drawing board

In-depth mapping of trends and funding mechanisms will increase efficiency and improve sustainability in the transport sector, ultimately helping the industry be more competitive.

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Innovation doesn't always just happen. There are many processes, policies, incentives and environments that encourage it to flourish, an approach that is very important in advancing European industries such as the transport sector. The EU-funded project 'Transport research market uptake ' (MARKET-UP) investigated innovation processes and related policies to further the uptake of transport research by the market. The project evaluated relevant research environments in the EU and analysed barriers in research and development, especially in relation to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It then conducted case studies on transport innovation to assess research funding instruments and policy instruments, thus exploring the dynamics between public and private research and development funding. Another important project objective involved mapping research and innovation trends in different transport sectors, covering rail, road, air and maritime transport, in addition to electromobility, inland waterways and intermodal transportation. Interestingly but not surprisingly, the team revealed a trend favouring more eco-friendly transport with respect to emissions reduction, cleaner fuel, better vehicles and increased use of renewable energy. Other observed trends revealed an increasing application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to the sector, the use of new materials in the construction of vehicles, enhanced safety and stronger security. A host of exciting new transport-related ideas and technologies was also assessed. These include liquid biofuels for surface transport, longer wagons for intermodal transport, container transport using inland waterways, and green technologies in the maritime sector. Moreover, the project outlined main inducement and blocking mechanisms relevant to innovation. Inducement mechanisms include government support and absence of opposition, while blocking mechanisms could be the use of alternative technologies already on the market. Armed with all these analyses, studies and observations, the project team outlined key messages and prepared policy recommendations to help further innovation in the sector. From increasing opportunities in certain EU Member States to encouraging weak industry players in the field, these recommendations could potentially propel the transport field into a new era. In fact,the recommendations could make the European transport industry more competitive and sustainable than ever before.

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