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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Improve scientific and technical advice on fisheries Management

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Better data and analysis for more effective fisheries

European national and regional authorities have expressed their interest in developing tools and methodologies resulting in more efficient and cost-effective fisheries management. EU-funded researchers developed a prototype information management system together with a proposal for policy implementation at the fisheries management level that could be just what authorities were seeking.

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The ‘Improve scientifc and technical advice on fisheries management’ (ISTAM) project set out to coordinate scientific activities related to data management and monitoring for better fisheries management on the part of national and regional authorities. The ISTAM team evaluated numerous national monitoring systems and their users to understand current management problems and then designed a prototype information system fully compatible with currently existing international programmes. The prototype incorporated fish stock assessment as well as resource allocation and resource dynamics evaluation together with a database of geographic layers. The researchers also created an online atlas with automatic geostatistical estimation of parameters of interest as well as a policy implementation plan to be used by those involved in fisheries management. In summary, the ISTAM project responded to the need expressed by national and regional authorities for better scientific information to be used for better fisheries management. The project team delivered a software tool addressing the major limitations of national monitoring systems that promises to provide a more accurate picture of a fisheries’ fish stock situation and facilitate better resource allocation, resulting in enhanced sustainability and profitability.

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