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Content archived on 2024-06-16

Encouragement to Advance - Training Seminars for Women Scientists

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More female applicants for science faculty positions

An EU-funded initiative increased applications of women scientists in Europe for academic positions in their own and other EU countries. Increased representation of women among university faculty should enhance diversity of thought, research and policymaking and provide positive role models for numerous young women in the EU.

The ‘Encouragement to advance - training seminars for women scientists’ (Encouwomsci) project was designed to empower women in science to apply for academic professorships, both nationally and within the EU. Specifically, the project targeted female post-docs and encouraged applications in selected European countries in an effort to enhance mobility in the European Research Area (ERA). The principal investigators organised training and seminars covering issues including the interview and application process, how and where to obtain research funding and the EU's science policymaking process. The investigators asked participants to evaluate the project (with a structured questionnaire) on completion of training and four months afterward. Simulation of the interview process with an appointment committee and consultation with a personal trainer were rated highest among specific components of training. Participants felt enhanced self confidence and empowerment as a result. Almost all participants (99 %) considered the project worthwhile. In a follow-up phone interview of 10 applicants, 7 had since applied for professorships since participating in the project training. In conclusion, the Encouwomsci training project was a great success, empowering women in science with the knowledge and confidence to apply for academic teaching and research positions within the ERA. Increased representation of women in science faculty positions, who are also knowledgeable of policymaking processes, should provide a significant impetus to the advancement of women in science.