Supporting European grid technologies
Grid technologies allow complex task to be shared over multiple computers, which can be spread over large geographical distances. The European Technology Platform (ETP) works with stakeholders to develop and implement a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The 'Networked European software and services initiative' (NESSI) provides EU industry and the public sector with efficient services and software; the EU-funded NESSI-soft project supports the ETP by promoting the NESSI initiative. NESSI-soft will give the private and public sectors a boost thanks to greater flexibility and interoperability, and will join forces to implement the SRA. Their activities can be enhanced by mastering complex software systems as a result of training and support. Citizen's safety, security and well-being will all be enhanced as Europe moves towards a knowledge-based economy. Delivery of NEXOF, the NESSI Open Service Framework, is the main focus of the initiative. The framework comprises many different aspects that include the NEXOF concept, the research structure, ideas for projects and project collaboration. The NESSI Office established in Brussels has acted as a central point for supporting and informing all NESSI members and interested parties. The office offers a range of services tailored to the available resources supplied by NESSI-soft and its NESSI partners. The work of NESSI and NESSI-soft will help European software and IT services industry to obtain a stronger presence in the global marketplace. Furthermore, the application of innovative grid technologies will help all economic sectors, leading to more efficient businesses and public services that will benefit all EU citizens.