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Content archived on 2024-05-23

European action on anticoagulation (eaa): cost-effectiveness of computer-assisted dosage (eaa computer-dosage)

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Computer assisted dosage study

The incidence of thromboembolic disorders can be improved with oral anticoagulation treatment, yet administering this treatment can be problematic. This project assessed the possibility of using computer assisted dosage treatment as a cost-effective and clinically beneficial alternative to traditional manual dosage given by medical professionals.

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The primary objective of this project was to assess the clinical benefit of providing a computer assisted dosage of oral anticoagulation treatment. The project entitled EAA COMPUTER-DOSAGE was the largest ever study of this kind to establish the reliability of computer assisted dosage compared to traditional manual dosage by experienced professionals. Although it had been established that such a venture would be cost-effective, it was first necessary to establish if this method of treatment were effective in preventing bleeding and thrombotic complications during the treatment. The results of the study revealed that the computer assisted dosage is at least as safe and reliable clinically as the dosage method carried out by experienced medical staff. The results were presented to the medical profession across the EU and worldwide in reports to general and specialist medical journals and at national and international scientific meetings. It was established that this method would be both cost-effective and of great advantage to the clinical and national administrative authorities responsible for patient care. The project also provides the basis for the establishment of a vast inter-linked network of computer-dosage systems across the EU - regional, national and international with the possibility of wider linkage via the Internet.

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