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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Telerehabilitation system using haptic interfaces and virtual reality techniques (TELEDOC)

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Integrated rehabilitation for disabled patients

A novel tele-rehabilitation system has been designed which connects a pair of PCs assisting in providing home rehabilitation to patients with disabilities.

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Patients in need of therapy due to a disability are often subject to spending time in a recovery facility away from their home and loved ones. The TELEDOC project has found a way to overcome this by connecting a home or satellite centre with a clinic or assistance centre. This is done with the pairing of PCs from each site and the use of Internet or a local network. The system is composed of a number of subsystems. These include a haptic device, a VR-based tele-rehabilitation application, a multipurpose control interface and a database. The haptic device functions in two modes and is used for the upper limb such as the wrist, elbow and shoulder. Additionally, the haptic device has a screen so that the patient may watch and play video games which have an adjustable range of movement and speed to fit the patient's needs. There is no need for reprogramming each time a device is plugged in thanks to the multipurpose control interface. Finally the database can store the patient's exercise data and assess the patient's progress.

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