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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27


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Nanotechnology paves the way for new sensors

The field of sensor devices has received renewed impetus through the application of nanotechnology principles for the development of innovative sensors.

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The EC-funded NANOPHOS project focused on the development of nanostructured photonic sensors, essentially creating devices with advanced gas sensing functionalities. The project partners worked mainly on the synthesis of novel materials in order to achieve diffractive optical interrogation concepts in free-space and waveguide geometries. The National Hellenic Research Foundation used polymer or sol gel matrices for the in situ synthesis of novel devices employing nanoparticles. The aim of the researchers was to achieve reversible modifications in the light scattering properties of these devices without affecting the overall composition of the device. The properties were altered through exposure to environmental agents. In addition, the refractive index has been altered locally adding to the overall modifications. These innovative sensing media can be used for the remote detection of humidity, alcohols and ammonia. Data from demonstration trials are available and the developers are keen to strike agreements in order to further explore this line of research.

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