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Content archived on 2024-05-27

Adaptive decision support system for stormwater pollution control

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Clustered support for urban drainage

CityNet, a group of urban development projects has participated in a cluster conference presentation which has resulted in a branch of publicly accessible outcomes for the improvement of urban storm water management.

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Pollutants in storm water have had a significantly negative impact on water quality in urban areas. In light of this, the DAYWATER project has developed an adaptive decision support system (ADSS) which can be used by decision makers dealing with urban storm water management. The ADSS combines simulation models, assessment tools, databases, guidelines, documents, road maps, etc. Models which simulate pollution fluxes were developed in order to assess discharge of significant storm water pollutants to surface waters, urban soils and ground waters. The research, consisting of a multi-disciplinary research team as well as end-users and case studies from four European cities was presented at the 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage. DAYWATER was part of the CityNet cluster conference which took part in platform sessions as well as workshops. Additionally a CityNet book was published consisting of an introduction to the cluster and cluster activities, sections based on papers from the conference and an overview and conclusions. CityNet's budget was reserved to sponsor five key players from Eastern Europe and developing countries, guaranteeing that they receive exposure to the results and technology. The selection criteria for candidates were based on their capacity to contribute to promoting CityNet globally. Also taken into consideration was their representation of a significant international organisation and the desire to keep a geographical balance across CityNet's sponsors.

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