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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-23

Development of technologies for smes aiming at applying thermal infrared devices for detection and imaging.

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Arrays of thermal imaging sensors

Series of miniature thermal sensors are capable of accurate motion detection through infrared imaging. High sensitivity and fast response characterise these innovative sensors.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

Thermal imaging is a well known, well established method for really looking and seeing in the dark. All materials emit electromagnetic radiation that depends almost solely on the temperature of the emitting body. This radiation can not be detected by the human eye and consists of wavelengths in the infrared region. Sensors collect this infrared radiation and transform the input signal to images. A variety of industrial processes exploits the benefits of infrared imaging. Numerous small and medium enterprises ranging from those manufacturing electrical equipment to environmental protection and information processing companies will revolutionise their processes with the aid of a new generation of infared sensors. The sensors have been developed by the TECH-TIR project partners. The whole TECH-TIR project has focused on developing sensor technologies that will greatly facilitate the application of thermal infrared devices for detection and imaging. The technological approach followed by the project partners has already yielded tangible results. Namely, a two dimensional array of thermal sensors has been developed. The electronic circuit required for driving and controlling the sensor has also been manufactured and thorougly tested. The circuit is a Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit. With low cost and well established processes, sensor fabrication issues have been completely resolved. The sensors do not need cooling and have very small thermal conductance as well as thermal capacitance. Both characteristics are essential for the required high sensitivity and rapid response. Demonstrator prototypes are available and TECH-TIR project partners are currently seeking further financial support in the form of either joint venture agreement or spin-off funding.

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