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Content archived on 2024-05-15

Reliable optimal use of materials for wind turbine rotor blades (OPTIMAT BLADES)

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Guide for testing wind turbine blade material

The OPTIMAT BLADES project has designed OptiDAT, a database used for its information and methodology as a guide for testing wind turbine blade materials.

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The need to expand the installed capacity of wind turbines is increasing. Therefore, reliable and structurally optimised blades are also needed. The material used for the blades of larger wind turbines needs to be optimal because blade mass increases disproportionately to the capacity of blade energy output. The OPTIMAT BLADES project has provided precise design recommendations for the best use of materials for wind turbine rotor blades in order to achieve improved reliability. This is in regard to the design of new blades, but also the prediction of their residual strength and duration. The OptiDAT database contains results of various tests performed on two material systems. Both of these material systems are made up of glass-fibre reinforced epoxy, but with a slight variation in resin systems. Results of fatigue and tests for various loading conditions are part of the database. Specific information on thermal expansion coefficients as well as the fibre volume fraction and glass transition temperatures were recorded and reported. The results were reported in a single worksheet. The database also contains sheets explaining use, plate, geometry, and test type details as well as project participants' contact information. Since the results were readily available, test progress was easier to track. The database included several progress tracking features. OptiDAT is available free of charge to members and students and with a small maintenance fee for the general public.

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