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Content archived on 2024-05-24


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Software for speech therapy support

A software system has been developed for speech therapy support.

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The Ortho-logo-paedia (OLP) project has created an integrated computer-based system. This has supplemented conventional therapy to aid individuals with speech disorders. OLP offers visual feedback to assist in improved articulation. Furthermore, it provides automatic speech recognition to assess improvement and to supply an interface for assertive technology and/or speech synthesis. OLP permits therapy to be conducted off-site via the Internet. In this way, it tailors the type of feedback and the recognition element towards a specific group or to an individual. The use of OLP software is helpful for therapists in using computers to assist with speech therapy in various ways. It contains phonetic maps which display target speech sounds. The speech which clients produce is plotted on a phonetic map in real time including the targets for direct comparison. In this way, articulation success can be indicated and there can be a gradual movement toward correct articulation. Maps can be made to fit the needs of individual clients. Another way OLP software is helpful is that can automatically recognises spoken words and assesses each one by comparing it to a target word set by the therapist. Finally, OLP assists in controlling phonation by displaying the loudness and pitch of the client's voice in visual form. Speech therapists can maintain a client record and create an exercise schedule for each client. They can then choose and design practice exercises that are most appropriate for the client as well as the therapist. Therapists can then monitor client progress and identify weaknesses. In this way, more clients can be served without compromising the effectiveness of the therapy.

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