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Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems

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Advancing cyber-physical systems

New techniques and training help address some of the verification and validation challenges presented by emerging cyber-physical systems.

From power grids to autonomous vehicles, robotics to healthcare, cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are playing an increasingly important role in society. “By combining physical processes with computational algorithms and sensors, cyber-physical systems connect the physical world with the digital world and allow humans and machines to interact,” explains Paolo Lollini, an associate professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Florence. However, like any technology, sometimes these systems don’t work as intended. But because of their integration into the physical world – including critical infrastructure – any malfunction could result in significant harm to users and/or the environment. “Cyber-physical systems are often safety-critical systems and thus must be subjected to rigorous verification and validation processes to ensure they meet specifications and are able to fulfil their intended use and objectives,” adds Lollini. Helping to ensure that this happens is the EU-funded ADVANCE project.

Connecting cyber-physical systems with verification and validation processes

The project, which received support from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, developed new approaches to support the verification and validation of CPSs. “Our goal was to connect emerging cyber-physical technologies with current verification and validation processes,” says Lollini. To do so, the project focused on defining the techniques needed to collect data about a CPS’s properties, such as dependability, safety and security. This work included model-based, experimental and hybrid techniques capable of, for example, conducting robust testing and fault injection. The project also developed techniques for managing and analysing the verification and validation data collected. This work delivered techniques for improving the quality and productivity of the data analysis activities, classifying software defects and conducting security-related analysis. “The new methodologies and tools developed in ADVANCE will improve the efficiency and efficacy of verification and validation in the CPS market, contribute to the growth of new companies, and stimulate high-tech European companies,” notes Lollini. Many of the project’s results were published in major international journals or presented at conferences and workshops.

Training the next generation of cyber-physical system experts

In addition to its innovative new techniques for the verification and validation of CPSs, the project provided training to the next generation of CPS experts. This includes developing a set of training materials that offers a coherent perspective on verification and validation in current and emerging CPSs. The project also organised the ADVANCE graduate school for PhD students and early-stage researchers. The multi-day event provided an overview of the latest challenges in large-scale safety-critical systems, discussed the various techniques developed by the project, and covered the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in verifying and validating AI-based CPSs. “I’m very proud of the international network we built on the topic of verification and validation of CPSs,” concludes Lollini. “Besides allowing the project to achieve its scientific objectives, the training ensures that ADVANCE’s impact will continue even after the project is finished.” Some of the project’s researchers are already busy exploring further opportunities to expand the collaborations started in ADVANCE.


ADVANCE, cyber-physical systems, power grids, autonomous vehicles, robotics, algorithms, critical infrastructure, verification and validation, artificial intelligence, AI

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