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How can a prickly patch keep you healthy?

A wearable smart patch that delivers biomarker data directly to a user’s mobile phone could transform how health and fitness are monitored.

While wearable devices that monitor fitness are increasingly popular, they often cannot directly assess key measures such as glucose and lactate levels. The EU-funded ELSAH project developed a smart patch that uses microneedles to painlessly sample biomarkers from the fluid between cells. The project has now been featured in the CORDIS series of explanatory videos titled ‘Make the connection with EU science’. “The idea was that this ELSAH-patch would combine a microneedle-based biosensor with electronics, including a microchip, battery and antennas,” explains project coordinator Giorgio Mutinati. “This would enable the continuous monitoring of biomarkers directly in intercellular dermal fluid.” As well as measuring athletic performance in real time, glucose and lactate levels can be used to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, and monitor hospital patients to prevent deadly conditions such as sepsis. ‘Make the connection with EU science’ is a series of explanatory videos focusing on the scientific content and exploitation aspects of EU research projects.


ELSAH, smart patch, health, fitness, wearable devices, biosensor, biomarkers

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