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Content archived on 2023-04-17

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TiGRE project is now on video

TiGRE for better Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe – discover in our short introductory video how TiGRE aims to help improve the quality of democracy.

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In the EU-funded project TiGRE, the consortium partners believe that an optimal level of trust is crucial for the well-functioning of regulatory regimes, which operate across different levels of governance to implement regulatory policies. TiGRE investigates under which conditions regulatory regimes are trusted by studying the relationships between the involved actors, in three high value sectors: Finance, Food Safety and Communication & Data Protection. By doing so, TiGRE aims to draw a comprehensive picture of trust dynamics, their drivers and their political and socio-economic effects. To bridge research findings with policy and practice, TiGRE will provide policy-makers and stakeholders with indicators to detect signals of decreasing trust as well as scenarios on consequences of decreasing trust. These project outcomes will be of great interest to handle trust crises and optimize trust relationships within regulatory regimes in order to achieve stable, sustainable and fair social relations in regulatory governance. The European Union has granted EUR 3 million through the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme for TiGRE to run between January 2020 and June 2023. To conduct this multidisciplinary project, each partner brings its expertise in political science, social psychology, law, economics, public administration and communication studies. The video is available on the project website ( and the sharing platforms Vimeo ( and YouTube ( Enjoy and feel free to share the video via your social networks!


Trust, governance, regulation, regulatory regimes, regulatory stakeholders, citizens, transparency, accountability, participation, cooperation, consent, compliance, legitimacy, regulatory instruments, enforcement styles, the media, policy briefs