Lake Constance Foundation awarded at the European Solar Prize Ceremony
"The Lake Constance Foundation has been committed to renewable energies since its inception". With these words, Marion Hammerl, long-time managing director of the Lake Constance Foundation, commented on the award obtained during the European Solar Prize Ceremony, a prestigious event organized by EUSOLAR and held online on 2 December 2020. EUROSOLAR awards the European Solar Prize since 1994. The prize winners in the categories Municipalities, Solar architecture, Industry, Regional associations, Mobility, Media and Education are contributing to the regenerative and decentralised energy supply in Europe with their outstanding projects. For Lake Constance Foundation this prize is the recognition of 25 years of activity in the field of renewable energies, during which Bodensee-Stiftung (this is the German name of the Foundation) participated in numerous projects and initiatives: to name only one, the first solar ship in Germany, called HELIO. Among the other activities that it is involved in, Lake Constance Foundation is also a member in the SocialRES consortium, being both a case study provider, and leader in networking, co-creation and mutual learning tasks of the project. More information on EUSOLAR, the ceremony and especially on the important result achieved by Lake Constance Foundation at this link. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement N°837758.
price, energy, renewable