Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium and PaNOSC & ExPaNDS Annual Meeting: an Overview
Over 140 participants, including representatives of photon and neutron (PaN) facilities and the EOSC landscape, attended the 1st online Photon and Neutron (PaN) EOSC Symposium, jointly organized by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS projects on 9 November 2020. Watch the video recordings here: The projects’ annual meeting followed on 10-11 November, gathering PaNOSC and ExPaNDS managers and contributors to present the projects’ status and roadmap for the future, and to interact with the community to further increase the impact of the actions implemented so far. Download the presentations: PaN EOSC Symposium - Annual meeting - After the welcome address by Florian Gliksohn, Associate Director at ELI-DC – main organizer of the event – the Symposium started with the session about “PaNOSC and ExPaNDS: perspectives for future services to users”. To allow external attendees of the projects gain a better understanding of PaN facilities, and the key role they play in the construction of the EOSC, Andy Götz (ESRF) and Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY) – PaNOSC and ExPaNDS coordinators, respectively – introduced the audience to the PaN ecosystem, and to the scientific domains in which PaN research infrastructures operate. Giving an overview of the projects’ goals and of the challenges they strive to tackle in the field of FAIR data production and stewardship, from acquisition to publication and data re-use, Andy and Patrick continued with the presentation of the PaNOSC data portal, which will provide unified access to the resources of ExPaNDS and PaNOSC facilities, and of the PaN training portal, a one stop shop to access the PaN e-learning platform “”, as well as a wide variety of PaN training events and materials. The second session on “Perspectives for the Photon and Neutron communities in the next phase of EOSC” started with the talk by Tiziana Ferrari (EGI Foundation), who explained how EOSC-hub has provided support to science use cases, and introduced the audience to the EGI-ACE (Advanced Computing for EOSC) H2020 project, starting in January 2021. “Research Infrastructures are essential for EOSC’s implementation and success”. This was the main point made by Jan Hrušak (Chair of ESFRI and chair of the EOSC Landscape Working Group) who reminded all of the importance of a joint effort to align national policies to ensure EOSC’s sustainability. The EOSC Association was officially founded in July 2020, with the aim of building the EOSC ecosystem collaboratively with all stakeholders through the EOSC Partnership. Rupert Lück (EOSC Sustainability Working Group co-chair) gave an update on its timeline and explained the reasons for joining it. Rupert also presented the work carried out by the Sustainability WG to develop recommendations for EOSC’s post-2020 sustainability, as highlighted in the Strawman – Tinman and (FAIR) Iron Lady documents. The session ended with Christian Cuciniello (European Commission PO for ExPaNDS) giving an update on the EOSC towards Horizon Europe, with a focus on the status of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, which feeds into the work programmes aimed to define future projects and funding under Horizon EU. In the last session – “FAIR from a user perspective”, Susan Daenke (Instruct-ERIC) showed how Instruct-ERIC, together with the RIs in the life sciences community have proceeded in their roadmap towards FAIR data management. Firstly with the West-Life project, and later with EOSCLife, which will shape EOSC for life sciences data needs, through the publication of data and tools for cloud use. Filipe Maia (Uppsala University) talked about his experience in the launch and construction of the Coherent X-ray Imaging DataBank ( which aims to foster reproducible research, enable the test of ideas on real data, and preserve datasets for future analysis.
Parole chiave
EOSC, FAIR data, Open Data, Open Science, EOSC Association, EOSC Secretariat, Photon and Neutron Science