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Content archived on 2024-03-25

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How to link energy transition and company success? Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises will get energy efficiency trainings free of charge!

The Horizon 2020 project INNOVEAS is addressing to European Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). With 23 Million SMEs in Europe the potential to save energy is huge. INNOVEAS aims to play an active role in the energy transition.

The European Union has agreed on the need for a total halt of greenhouse gases emissions by the year 2050 in order to make sure that the planet’s temperature won’t rise above 1,5° C compared to pre-industrial levels. The energy transition focuses on the decarbonisation of the energy system, on energy saving and energy efficiency. The ambitious goals announced in the “European Green Deal” can only be achieved by including industry as a strategic actor on the way to a more sustainable economy. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are Europe’s engine for jobs and growths. And they could be Europe’s engine for energy efficiency, too. Taking care of company’s energy efficiency is not a top priority for most SMEs, so energy audits are rarely high on their to-do-lists. The barriers are multiple: No money, no time, no human resources, bureaucratic burdens, which hit SMEs disproportionately. An alliance for massive change The EU funded project INNOVEAS aims at creating an alliance of SMEs and supports them with tailored trainings: Every interested SME can get information, receive training and be accompanied by energy efficiency experts. Luisa Sileni, Project Coordinator of INNOVEAS invites all interested SME owners to the trainings: “Energy and materials are about 50% of the company’s costs. The participating companies will reduce their energy consumption faster than other companies, they will increase their energy efficiency as well as the company value and help to solve the problem of climate emergency.” Do the first step! If a company owner is still thinking about the right moment to make the company more energy efficient, Luisa Sileni transmits a clear message: “Waiting is not an option, because Climate change is real. Every company, even a small one with two employees, should start with energy efficiency measures.” To access the videos click on choose your country language and learn more about the key concepts of energy efficiency, the regulations and laws, the incentives and best practices.


energyefficiency, #SME, #industry, #energytransistion, #EUGreenDeal, #energyaudit, #company