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Content archived on 2023-04-17

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Community Resilience against Violent Extremism: EU project PAVE releases animated clip

PAVE, the Horizon 2020 research project investigating the root causes and driving factors of violent extremism and radicalisation, has just released an animated video clip showcasing the approach and goals of the project.

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PAVE, the Horizon 2020 research project investigating the root causes and driving factors of violent extremism and radicalisation, has just released an animated video clip showcasing the approach and goals of the project. The short animation aims to introduce the project in an easily accessible and entertaining format to the interested public. The clip is available on the PAVE project website ( and on YouTube ( Since the project launch in February of 2020, the 13 international partners from 12 different countries have been collaborating to tackle the issue of radicalisation. This is done by examining its root causes, the driving as well as mitigating factors and by strengthening community resilience in the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans. During the first eight months of the project, the PAVE partners have successfully set up the project structures to allow for a smooth project start. The consortium has worked extensively on the baseline studies and conducted its Methodology Workshop in full virtual mode on 1-2 September 2020. At this workshop, the conceptual foundations for the comparative research on vulnerability and resilience factors contributing to the fuelling, prevention or mitigation of violent extremism were discussed. Project partners presented their (published / soon-to-be-published) baseline studies written for the three thematic clusters on cumulative extremisms, the interface between state and religious institutions as well as online and offline narratives of (de-)radicalisation. The discussions covered both terminological issues – which will form the basis of a forthcoming PAVE Glossary – and a review of the state of the art literature on relevant factors, drivers, actors and initiatives. In addition, details regarding the practical implementation of fieldwork plans, including the integration of a gender lens as a cross-cutting topic for PAVE, the clarification of ethics standards and processes, methods of field sites selection, methodological training needs, and fieldwork adaptation options due to the Covid-19 situation were addressed. For more information on upcoming research outputs and to follow the PAVE project, please subscribe to the Newsletter (