FAIRsharing & FAIRsFAIR join forces to support repositories all around Europe in their effort towards a FAIR research data management
FAIRsharing is a resource based at the University of Oxford in the UK with an international user base, endorsed by the Research Data Alliance and a number of funders, scholarly publishers, research infrastructures and organizations. FAIRsharing provides manually curated metadata records on data and metadata standards, databases, repositories and knowledgebase and journal and funder data policies and the relationships between them. FAIRsharing guides the consumers to discover, select and use these resources with confidence, and the producers of these resources to make them more findable, widely adopted and cited. This is a long-term cooperation between FAIRsFAIR and FAIRsharing, where FAIRsFAIR will share with FAIRsharing examples of FAIR data and FAIR-aligned repository policies and features designed to improve production and use of FAIR data, as well as recommendations and/or feedback on the FAIRsharing resource. Potentially, repositories supported by FAIRsFAIR may be listed as FAIR-aligned in the FAIRsharing resource. FAIRsFAIR will look to the FAIRsharing metadata on repositories, standards and data policies to inform and improve policy and guideline documents coming out of the FAIRsFAIR project. On the other side, FAIRsharing will contribute to the development and dissemination of relevant FAIRsFAIR guidelines on repositories, semantic artefacts, and display certifications and interoperability features on the relevant records. "We research methods and tools to help stakeholders, in many disciplines, to turn FAIR into reality. Continue promoting the value of good data management, importance of professionalising data stewardship and make infrastructures interoperable, in order to deliver FAIR enabling toolkit for researchers" - Susanna-Assunta Sansone Thanks to this cooperation, FAIRsFAIR increases its visibility to the FAIRsharing community, composed by producers and consumers of standards, databases, repositories and data policies, with a growing list of adopters, namely institutions, libraries, journal publishers, funders, infrastructure programs, societies and other organizations or projects.
Palabras clave
fairsfair, fair data