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Contenu archivé le 2023-04-17

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New Tender Call for Hackathon Support

easyRights is pleased to announce a new call for tenders for the organisation and delivery of online hackathons.

easyRights, an H2020 project, has the overall ambition to combine co-creation and AI technology to make it easier for non-EU immigrants to understand and access the public services they are entitled to. Project activities include the organisation of 2 hackathons (one per year, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022) in each of the 4 pilot sites of Birmingham (UK), Larissa (EL), Malaga (ES) and Palermo (IT), to procure the development of original and innovative IT applications in line with the technical features of the easyRights platform and to fulfil predefined targets of improvement of local public administration services to the immigrants. Due to Covid-19, the decision was taken to move the first round of 4 hackathons from offline to online. The purpose of this service is thus to design the concept and blueprint of the online hackathon to be deployed on the 4 pilot sites, to test it in the context of a simulated hackathon event seeing the participation of all the easyRights consortium members, and finally to assure the effective support to the implementation of the 4 online hackathon events for the 4 pilots. The deadline for submission is September 21st 2020. To see the Tender Documents visit


migration, immigration, hackathons, hacks, datajams