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Contenido archivado el 2023-04-17

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50 startups chosen for the second year of the DMS Accelerator programme! What can they expect?

The day has come! DMS has officially chosen the next 50 startups and SMEs that will be taking part in this year’s acceleration programme!

DMS Accelerator has received 206 applications from European startups and SMEs interested in taking part in the second year of the programme. Over 6 months, 50 selected startups will receive training in key topics such as GDPR, intellectual property, investment matchmaking & fundraising, legal training, and more. All delivered by leading experts in their fields. Who has applied to the programme? A total of 32 countries in Europe have applied to our programme, which top 10 have been: the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Finland. The number one applicant country, the Netherlands, counted for 12.6% of the applications, followed by the UK with 11.7%, then Germany and Portugal with 9.2%. These applicants came also from different sectors, concretely 14 different areas. There are two sectors on the top, which are Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence, followed by Smart Cities & Transport, and Retail & Manufacturing. What happens now? After a really competitive selection process, which highlights the quality of the applicant companies as well as the innovative nature of the projects presented, the 50 best European startups and SMEs have been invited to join this 2020 programme. They will have access to interactive webinars, one-on-one mentorship, support to enter new markets and an exclusive invitation to a digital TNW event! Over the next 6 months, the startups will embark on a supportive acceleration journey. During this first stage, the startups will receive access to a free online portal environment for scalable public fundraising, acceleration, mentoring, promotion and data skills free business support. Now it’s time for the startups to grow their value for potential investors, taking off with the best experts. The world is waiting to know these startups’ talent.

Palabras clave

data, data market, services, startups, smes, growth, market, free services, project, horizon2020