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Contenido archivado el 2023-04-13

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Have your say! Share your views on future ICT Research & Innovation Priorities between Brazil and Europe

ATMOSPHERE put together a survey for European and Brazilian Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) experts on what the next priority topics that Europe and Brazil focus on in the next decade should be. This will be the basis for a Report ATMOSPHERE is preparing, entitled "Final Research & Innovation Research Priorities Report", which will be shared also with the European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

ATMOSPHERE put together a survey for European and Brazilian Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) experts on what the next priority topics that Europe and Brazil focus on in the next decade should be. Fill in the survey on future EU-BR Research & Innovation Priorities SURVEY: This will be the basis for a Report ATMOSPHERE is preparing, entitled "Final Research & Innovation Research Priorities Report", which will provide an analysis of the present challenges and joint EU-Brazil research & Innovation opportunities, due for publication in November 2019. The report aims to directly contribute to future EU-Brazil policy dialogues by photographing the challenges and joint EU-Brazil research innovation opportunities. The publication will be shared also with the European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. A THRIVING TRANSATLANTIC LEGACY IN NEED OF A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE ROAD AHEAD Brazil and Europe began a set of actions in 2009 to cooperate and develop joint research initiatives in ICT. After 10 years of successful cooperation, according to Carlos Oliveira (Counsellor for Information Society and Digital Market at the EU Delegation in Brazil), with such a thriving legacy, it is crucial to carefully understand what lies ahead. This is where you come into play. ATMOSPHERE WANTS TO HAVE YOUR OPINION ON THE FUTURE FOCUS FOR ICT COOPERATION AREAS BETWEEN BRAZIL AND EUROPE FOR THE NEXT DECADE This survey aims to consolidate a common view of Brazilian and European Researchers from academia, industry and government regarding EU-BR future cooperation in ICT. It is suggested that you access first the Cloudscape 2018 and Cloudscape 2019 reports, prior actions with relevant information on ongoing cooperation and mainly the EU-BR Calls in ICT between Brazil and Europe. The report will be a second iteration of the "Preliminary Research Priorities Report" submitted one year ago. The information available is the result not only of desktop research on relevant websites, but also a collection of valuable information available from documents focused on EU-BR cooperation in ICT, such as Cloudscape Brazil 2018 event report, Blueprint on sustainability of the EU-BR Coordinated Calls within H2020 and EUBrasilCloudFORUM Roadmap. NOW IT IS TIME TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. FILL IN THE SURVEY: WHO SHOULD FILL IN THE SURVEY - EU-BR Startups, SMEs, Industry experts & Organisations - EU-BR Research & Academia Organisations, Universities & Institutions - EU-BR ICT Policy Makers WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? - Contribute to the Brazilian and European Policy Dialogue on what should be the next IT policies between the two regions. - Make your voice heard, by sharing your experience in ICT fields from EU and Brazil and your point-of-view on what are the future key areas EU & BR should work together for a strong EU-BR joint market. WHEN? The deadline is Tuesday, 15th of October 2019. Finally, if you could pass this link on to your networked community we'd be most appreciative! Thank you for your time!