The Future is Now: Taking Snapshots of Tomorrow with the Future Tech Week
The month of September ended with a bang as the FETFX teamed up with the European Commission to launch the first edition of the Future Tech Week powered by the European Innovation Council (EIC) - creative space where Future and Emerging Technologies projects can come together and share their ideas through events, blogs, videos, photos and so on. Words like future and innovation seem like conflicted ideas, most especially in Europe. This year the EIC is working on to change this perception as its Pathfinder and Accelerator programmes allow scientists and researchers to transform their knowledge into innovative products, which will create new opportunities for Europe. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) projects are known to have low-Technology Readiness Level (TRLs). Their visionary and disruptive nature are often times perceived as obstacles for these results to hop on to the next step and make Europe an innovation and technology hub of the world. This bold challenge was taken up a notch as the EIC brought future and innovation closer to our reality through the Future Tech Week (FTW). This virtual event happened across Europe throughout a full week, integrated through video streams, postings and creative contributions from various FET projects. The Future Tech Week has demonstrated the drive from science in action through numerous glimpses of future technologies from the researchers working on them. The initiative was organised in collaboration with the FETFX team. Read full article here:
science communication, innovation, public engagement