A new era of polymer research in Bulgaria
The Institute of Polymers of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IP-BAS) is recognised throughout Europe for its work in polymer research. It is a centre of excellence for new polymer materials for medicine and pharmacy thanks to its expertise in polymer synthesis. The EU-funded POLINNOVA (Strengthening the research capacity and innovation potential of the Institute of Polymers at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for further integration into the ERA) project aimed to further strengthen the research and innovation potential of IP-BAS and fully integrate it into the European Research Area. This was accomplished through mobility schemes, recruitment and modernisation of facilities. POLINNOVA carried out twinning with leading European research centres through exchange of knowledge, experience and know-how. The transnational two-way secondments included 20 long-term secondments and 48 short-term visits conducted over 39 months. This led to six new research topics, 19 joint papers, 25 conference presentations and joint proposal initiatives. Existing technical equipment was upgraded and new instruments were procured and installed. The staff were trained to effectively use the equipment. Eight experienced researchers to reinforce expert staff and two technicians to operate the upgraded research infrastructure were recruited. They co-authored 28 research papers, one patent application, five proposals and participated in 18 scientific forums. The recruitment of four Bulgarians contributed to the brain gain, thus encouraging young specialists to consider careers at home. Two of them secured permanent positions at IP-BAS. In addition, two part-time IPR and innovation experts were hired to fill the position of intellectual property manager. This led to a strategic plan for innovation capacity building that includes research priority areas, rules for protection and management of the intellectual property, and a strategy to boost IP-BAS's innovation potential. As a result, three patents and utility model applications were filed. POLINNOVA helped IP-BAS to make better use of its advanced polymer materials research and facilitate its participation in European, national and regional funding programmes.
Polymer materials, Institute of Polymers, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, POLINNOVA