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Content archived on 2024-06-18

EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network

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An integrative biodiversity observation and data network for Europe

EU BON, an EU-funded project is creating a powerful European biodiversity network by harmonising and integrating on-ground and remote sensing biodiversity data from different schemes and information facilities.

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Reliable and readily accessible biodiversity data is essential for managing biological resources sustainably and for informed decision making processes. While state-of-the-art remote sensing techniques are now able to provide highly detailed information on the biosphere, access to this information and other relevant biological data, e.g. from in situ biodiversity monitoring, remains fragmented across countries and regions, and across different disciplines and sectors. %The 'EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network' (EU BON) project is creating an EU-wide network that will help to collect, analyse and provide biodiversity data in a truly integrated way. It aims to deliver a European contribution to the global Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). Researchers and other stakeholders will be able to better retrieve relevant datasets, identify research gaps and set priorities based on real-time, on-ground and earth biodiversity observations by integrating national and regional information infrastructures. EU BON has established itself as an entity that addresses EU policy needs through the linkage to key projects, initiatives and policy processes (IPBES, CBD) and by signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with 25 (+x) associated partners. Reports, strategies and several high-level policy documents have also been produced. The project has furthermore compiled an inventory of biodiversity projects, including information technology systems and science policies for on-ground observations and remote sensing information systems. It also aims to develop a comprehensive European Biodiversity Portal — a blueprint for managing biodiversity information management in Europe. EU BON work gives local, national and global stakeholders and policymakers access to reliable and highly integrated biodiversity data. This is essential for truly adaptive environmental management and effective policy inputs and for directing European biodiversity research towards priority areas.


Biodiversity, data integration, observation network, biological resources, remote sensing, environmental management, science policy

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