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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe

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Transportation innovation

An EU group assisted 15 European cities to introduce transportation innovations. The new concepts covered five broad themes, and the project provided cost-benefit analyses, plus training and implementation guidelines.

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Many European cities want or need to introduce urban transportation innovations to meet policy goals. Yet, such cities often lack the capacity to complete the innovation cycle on their own. The EU-funded TIDE (Transport innovation deployment for Europe) project helped shorten the innovation path, while supporting uptake of new transportation innovations. The project made accessible 15 new concepts that address the challenges of urban transportation. The themes included: pricing measures, non-motorised models, network and traffic management, electric vehicles and public transportation organisation. Participating cities also numbered 15. Team members addressed the needs of the cities, with special focus on cost-benefit analysis. TIDE refined existing transferability methodologies, which were integrated into an easy-to-use handbook. The group additionally offered training and exchange events, plus implementation guidelines for 10 of the 15 subprojects. Results have helped overcome barriers to implementation. Researchers prepared policy recommendations at European and national levels concerning how to foster deployment of transportation innovations. The recommendations were based on the experiences and opinions of experts, surveyed by the project. The consortium offered numerous training and exchange activities, consisting of workshops, online learning opportunities and events. Staff also produced a series of brochures and other publications. TIDE outcomes include support for several cities to implement transportation innovations. Such work helps improve transportation services for European citizens and to spread innovation throughout Europe. Watch the project’s video here.


Transportation, innovation, urban transportation, TIDE

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